Jiraiya, originally known as Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki, is the toad-riding protagonist of the Japanese folk tale Jiraiya Gketsu Monogatari. The tale was adapted into a 19th-century serial novel, a kabuki drama, several films, video games, & manga. This unisex essential tee fits like a beloved favorite. Each panel is individually printed, cut, & sewn to ensure a flawless graphic. Featuring a cotton feel, & high-definition printing that won’t fade after washing. Cut-and-sewn for a perfect print Premium jersey: 190gsm micropoly Exclusive Antique Japanese & ukiyo-e shirts High-definition printing that lasts for generations Vintage T Shirt, Graphic Tee Care Instructions: Machine wash cold & tumble dry on low heat. Please don’t dry clean, iron, or bleach. EARTH-FRIENDLY RECYCLED MATERIALS We’re doing our part to reduce plastic bottles in landfills, ocean contamination, & air pollution. Recycled micropoly materials reduce the use of petroleum, CO2 emissions & freshwater consumption by up to 30%. Utagawa Kuniyoshi The Heroic Tales Of Jiraiya Antique Ukiyo-E Japanese Clothing Graphic Art T-Shirt Tee Vintage T Shirt