Course Overview This Starting with Firebase training course provides a solid understanding of how to get Firebase for JavaScript projects up and running. Get ready to learn all about this rapid JavaScript development platform from Google! Length: 2 hrs 17 min Example Video Course Outline This Starting with Firebase training course is for any IT professional or hobbyist seeking a solid understanding of how Firebase works in JavaScript web and mobile applications. If you desire an understanding of Firebase’s suite of features (including its real-time database, user authentication options, Cloud Function serverless back-end integration, and Cloud Messaging features), then this course is for you! Learn to leverage Firebase in new or existing web projects, as well as how Firebase solutions are designed, configured, and developed. This course pertains to not only web, mobile, and service application developers, but also architects, UI designers, testers, and administrators. Course Requirements: YES: Experience in creating web UI’s with normal Javascript tools (i.e. jQuery, Bootstrap, ASP NET, AngularJS, etc.) YES: Experience in integrating databases and JavaScript applications (i.e. mySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, etc.) YES: Experience in JavaScript development of complete web app solutions. NO: FIREBASE EXPERIENCE IS NOT REQUIRED!!! CHAPTER 1: STARTING WITH FIREBASE Introduction Firebase Defined Firebase and GCP A Mobile Solution Firebase for JavaScript CHAPTER 2: FIREBASE FEATURES Introduction Authentication Realtime Database Cloud Functions Cloud Messaging CHAPTER 3: A FIREBASE PROJECT Introduction Google Authentication Database Integration Trollbox Implementation Cloud Functions Translator CHAPTER 4: ADDITIONAL FEATURES Additional Features Additional Database Operations Firebase Hosting User Managed Administration Wrap up Learn anytime, anywhere, at home or on the go. Length of Subscription: 12 Months Online On-Demand Access Running Time: 2h 17m Platform: Windows andamp; MAC OS Level: Beginner to Intermediate Stream your training via the internet, or download to your computer and supported mobile device, including iPad™, iPhone™, iPod™ Touch and most Android devices. Need to train your Team? Contact Us for Discounts on Multiple Subscription Purchases.