Creating Ideal Selfies

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BY Steve ON 22 Sep 2021

Creating Ideal Selfies

Selfies are an important part of life for any social media user and, of course, everyone wants to portray themselves in a good light. So, how can you create the ideal selfie? If you take selfies in the mirror remember to look at the camera and not at your reflection. When you take any selfie, it’s important to consider all aspects of the composition including the background, lighting and your own posture.

Choosing The Location For Your Selfies

If you want to look your best, consider the location of your selfie. Natural light is best for daytime shots and sunshine is best of all. If you’re taking selfies at night, try to find somewhere with warm lighting that isn’t too bright. Harsh lighting can make you look pale and tired. Always make sure you’re facing the light otherwise the background will be brighter than you. While editing and image resizing in Photoshop are fairly simple, you’ll want to have a good image to start with.

Tips To Make Your Selfies More Attractive

The most attractive aspect of any photo is a natural smile, so try to take selfies when you’re really having a good time. The camera position is important too. Holding your phone lower will make you look taller and long-legged. Holding your phone slightly to the side, rather than straight on will create a more interesting and attractive semi-profile selfie. Try to find an interesting background for your selfie, or if you don’t have anywhere special nearby, you can add a different background at the editing stage. You don’t need the ideal body to take an ideal selfie, but posture and camera angle can help you to look your best. Try out different postures and angles until you find something that works for you.

Editing Your Ideal Selfie

There are lots of easy options for editing selfies to add a bit of colour or brighten them up. Filters can be added to change the mood, or a vignette can be used to soften the edges. If the background isn’t so exciting, you could replace it with a scenic photo from your device’s collection.

Camera Settings For Taking Selfies

You don’t need to have the latest camera to take the ideal selfie, but you do need to understand your phone’s camera settings. These smartphone picture tips will help you to take the ideal selfie. Know how to turn your flash on and off and when to use it - only use the flash if it’s really dark. Many cameras also offer scene settings, such as night, sunset, and party, to improve photos taken in low light. Another feature that helps to take a good selfie is face detection, or portrait mode, which automatically focuses the camera shot on faces.

Which Selfies To Share?

The expert advice, if you want to share the ideal selfie, is to choose carefully what you share. Don’t send the shots directly from your phone during a night out. Take lots of selfies and review them in the morning, do a little editing, and choose the best ones to share on social media. Ask a good friend for advice on which ones show you in the best light.